In IMG>PM and CS>Maint and Service Processing>Maint and Service Orders>Functions and Settings for Order Types>Default Values for Task List Data and Profile Assignment, there is a check box there under Task list data that says "OperSelection." Based on what I have read from the help file,
"If you set this indicator, you have the option of transferring just the operations of the task list, that you require, into the order."
I have already set this indicator but when I select and insert task lists into my order using menu path Extras>Task List Selection>General Task Lists, I do not get the pop up where I can select operations. Hence, all the operations are inserted in the order.
Does anyone know what causes this? it may be some kind of a system bug or I might have missed other indicators that need to be set.
When you create order,after initial screen you choose menu : Extras->Settings->Default values.Ini Control tabstrip there are several options for tasklist transfers.You check in "Operation select" check box. As long as I know this settings will overwrite the settings you've done in IMG.
Saturday, 7 June 2008
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