Try SE80 than fill the program related to PM transaction.
View Dictionary structures you'll get all table that related with PM
Trasaction code that used in PM eq. IW31, IW21, IW41
Try tcode DB15
Fill the object that related to PM Module
PM_EQUI Equipment
PM_IFLOT Functional locations
PM_IMRG Measurement documents
PM_MPLAN Maintenance plans
PM_NET Object links, master data
PM_OBJLIST Serial Number History
PM_ORDER Service and maintenance orders
PM_PLAN Routings
PM_QMEL Maintenance Notifications
You can get all table that related to PM Object.
What is the table for FUNTIONAL LOCATION BOM?
Check for the following tables:
TPST Functional Location - BOM Link
STAS BOMs - Item Selection
STPU BOM Subitem
STZU Permanent BOM data
Looking for a report which have Reservation No , material, posted quantity along with User ID of person who created the reservation in PM Order?
This is one report I am asked for at every business I work at and there isn't a standard SAP report for what you want. MB25 will give you what you want but the Username on the report is the person who picks the reservation not the person who created it. At one business I was at it reported as "Batch" because the picking run was done in the background.
The report I create is a query using SQVI Quick viewer and then I transport it to SQ01 SAP Query so everyone can see it. The tables you need to use are;
RESB - Reservation, Material number, Requirement date, Required Quantity, Quantity withdrawn, Work order number
RSADD - Date created, User ID of person who created the reservation
MAKT - Material Description
AUFK - Work Order description
AFIH - Revision (as a selection field)
MBEW - Total valuated stock (SOH)
USER_ADDR - The User ID first name & second name
RKPF - Reservation Header information if required.
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