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Saturday, 27 September 2008




Departemen Pekerjaan Umum Republik Indonesia membuka kesempatan kepada para Pasca Sarjana dan Sarjana bagi yang Berwarga Negara Indonesia baik pria maupun wanita, sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) di lingkungan Departemen Pekerjaan Umum yang akan ditempatkan baik di Pusat maupun di Daerah dengan ketentuan:

info lanjut :


  1. Sebelum melakukan registrasi pelamar, lakukan hal–hal sebagai berikut :

    1. Baca secara seksama persyaratan pengadaan PNS Dep. PU dan tatacara pendaftaran.

    2. Siapkan alamat surat elektonik (e-mail) pribadi/perorangan.

    3. Siapkan ijazah, transkrip nilai, KTP, Sertifikat kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (EPT/TOEFL/IELTS), dan pasfoto digital berwarna (file dalam format jpg), dengan resolusi maksimum 480x640 pixels, atau besar file maksimum 70kB.

  2. Isi seluruh data dan informasi yang diminta secara benar dan lengkap.

  3. Pastikan Saudara memasukkan data dengan benar, karena data yang sudah disampaikan kepada Panitia tidak dapat diubah.

  4. Selalu aktif memonitor informasi yang akan disampaikan kepada pelamar hanya melalui website Departemen Pekerjaan Umum.

  5. Disarankan untuk menggunakan browser Internet Explorer versi 6 atau yang lebih baru. Jika browser tidak dilengkapi dengan Adobe Reader (diperlukan untuk membuka file berkas registrasi berbentuk PDF), bisa didapatkan dari

Posted by: aroeltsm, Updated at: 11:25 pm

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1429 H

Posted by: aroeltsm, Updated at: 10:43 pm

Friday, 19 September 2008

Tips Pilih Baju Lebaran

Jaman yang resesi begini jangankan untuk beli baju yang berkualitas, rasanya untuk membeli baju yang biasa aja terasa sulit. Saat orang berfikir untuk membeli makan,beras,minyak tanah yang semakin hari semakin tinggi saja harganya.

Memang memakai baju baru saat lebaran membuat puasa kita terasa apdol, "apakah dengan baju baru semua amal kita menjadi seperti bayi kembali???". Coba bayangkan indonesia semakin terpuruk dengan keadaan dunia yang semakin resesi. Semoga pemerintah memiliki jalan keluar yang tidak hanya menguntungkan segelintir orang saja, semoga tingkat kemiskinan negara kita menjadi berkurang setidaknya jangan sampai ada yang kena busung lapar kembali.

Berikut tips membeli pakaian saat berlebaran :
  1. Sesuaikan dengan dana awal
  2. Jangan membeli pakaian diluar kendali dana
  3. pilih tempat/toko yang memiliki harga murah
  4. pilih waktu yang sesuai, untuk menghindari berdesak-desakan.
  5. jangan malu untuk membeli harga murah
  6. pilihlah baju sesuai dengan selera anda
  7. konsultasikan dengan kawan atau saudara
  8. jangan berfoya-foya
  9. Gaya oleh, asal jangan kelewatan.
  10. hindari sifat riya dengan mengenakan pakaian baru
  11. nikmati apa yang telah di beri Allah SWT
  12. Semoga Amal puasa kita menjadi berkah, dan diterima Allah SWT

Posted by: aroeltsm, Updated at: 11:59 pm

Kuliner Lebaran

Kue Lidah Kucing

Resep makanan membuat masakan Kue Lidah Kucing yang merupakan Kue Kering halal, enak, nikmat, sedap, lezat dan bergizi :

A. Bahan-Bahan Yang Diperlukan Untuk Membuat Kue Lidah Kucing Yakni :

  1. tepung terigu = 300 gram
  2. mentega = 300 gram
  3. kismis (anggur kering) = 200 gram
  4. gula halus = 250 gram
  5. baking powder = 1 sendok teh
  6. soda kue = setengah sendok teh
  7. putih telur yang sudah dikocok kaku = 6 telur

B. Panduan Cara Memasak Kue Lidah Kucing Secara Bertahap Yaitu :

  1. terigu, soda kue dan baking powder dicampur jadi satu lalu diayak
  2. di sisi lain gula serbuk dan mentega dikocok-kocok sampai lembut
  3. masukkan kocokan putih telur kaku lalu aduk lagi sampai rata
  4. gabung kedua jenis adonan dengan memasukkan adonan terigu ke mentega sedikit demi sedikit
  5. masukkan kismis kemudian diaduk lagi
  6. adonan di masukkan ke semprotan kue
  7. seprot ke loyang yang berlapis margarin sepanjang 4 cm
  8. panggang di oven sampai matang dan kering

Kue Keping Jahe Mede

Resep makanan membuat masakan Kue Keping Jahe Mede yang merupakan Kue Kering halal, enak, nikmat, sedap, lezat dan bergizi :

A. Bahan-Bahan Yang Diperlukan Untuk Membuat Kue Keping Jahe Mede Yakni :

  1. tepung terigu = 200 gram
  2. mentega = 150 gram
  3. tepung maizena = 100 gram
  4. jahe bubuk = 3 sendok teh
  5. kayu manis bubuk = setengah sendok teh
  6. gula aren = 100 gram
  7. kacang mede yang sudah dibelah dua = 100 gram
  8. kuning telur ayam = 1 butir
  9. baking powder = setengah sendok teh

B. Panduan Cara Memasak Kue Keping Jahe Mede Secara Bertahap Yaitu :

  1. tepung meizena, tpung trigu, beking powder, bubuk kayumanis dan bubuk jahe dicampur dan diaduk rata kemudian diayak
  2. mentega dan gula aren dikocok-kocok kemudian masukkan kuning telur ayam dan kocok kembali sampai rata
  3. gabung dengan campuran tepung dan aduk-aduk lagi hingga benar-benar rata
  4. adonan dibentuk bulat-bulat kecil
  5. letakkan di atas loyang yang sebelumnya telah diolesi mentega serta ditaburi tepung
  6. dengan sendok makan adonan bola bulat tadi di pipihkan
  7. oles adonan pipih tadi dengan kuning telor serta beri potongan kacang mente di tengahnya
  8. masukkan ke oven panas sekitar 25 menit atau sampai matang


Kue Kering Seledri

Resep makanan membuat masakan Kue Kering Seledri yang merupakan Kue Kering halal, enak, nikmat, sedap, lezat dan bergizi :

A. Bahan-Bahan Yang Diperlukan Untuk Membuat Kue Kering Seledri Yakni :

  1. tepung terigu = 200 gram
  2. mentega = 150 gram
  3. soda kue = setengah sendok teh
  4. keju parut = gram
  5. gula halus = 50 gram
  6. telur ayam = 2 butir
  7. garam dan seledri cincang = secukupnya

B. Panduan Cara Memasak Kue Kering Seledri Secara Bertahap Yaitu :

  1. garam, gula dan mentega gabung menjadi satu lalu aduk sampai merata dan putih
  2. telur ayam dimasukkan dalam adonan lalu aduk sampai putih
  3. seledri yang sudah diriris kecil-kecil dan keju yang sudah duparut dicampur dalam adonan tadi
  4. lalu aduk hingga rataTepung terigu ayak dan soda kue dimasukkan ke adonan lalu diaduk merata
  5. digiling adonan melebar dengan ketebalan yang tipis
  6. hasil gilingan tadi dibentuk sesuai keinginan anda lalu panggang dalam oven sampai matang


Posted by: aroeltsm, Updated at: 11:38 pm

SAP PM Function Detail

SAP PM Functional in Detail

  1. PM in R3 System
  2. PM Organization
  3. Maintenance Object
  4. Processing Maintenance Task
  5. Planned Maintenance
  6. Improve and Construct Techical System
  7. Detail Processing MTC Task
  8. Plan and Processing Complex MTC Task
  9. Refurbishment of Reairable Sparepares
  10. Representing External Service
  11. Maintenance Analyses
  12. Settlement

SAP PM Technical System Structure

  1. Structuring Technical Systems Using the PM System.
  2. Working with Reference FunctLocs and FunctLocs
  3. Working with Equipment
  4. Defining Equipment as Units of Tangible Assets
  5. Equipment and Functional Locations
  6. Equipment Hierarchies
  7. Data Transfer
  8. Multilingual Texts
  9. Additional Information
  10. Status Management
  11. Classification
  12. Documents
  13. Permits
  14. Measuring Points, Counters and Measurement Docs
SAP PM Order Processing
  1. Order Processing In The PM System
  2. Data Groups in the PM Order
  3. Creating a PM Order
  4. Planning in the PM Order
  5. Releasing a PM Order
  6. Work Scheduling with Task List
  7. Work Scheduling with Bill Of Material
  8. Production Resources / Tools (PRT)
  9. Shop Papers and Material Issue
  10. Confirmation and Completion
  11. Settlement
  12. Assigning Maintenance TAsk to External Commpanies
  13. Selecting Maintenance Orders and Order Operations Useing Liast
  14. Status Management
  15. Evaluating Maintenance Order

SAP PM Maintenance Processing

  1. Maintenance Processing in the R/3 PM System
  2. Maintenance Notification Description
  3. Creating a Maintenance Notification
  4. Changing a Maintenance Notification
  5. Display Maintenance Notification
  6. Printing Maintenance Notification
  7. Putting a Maintenance Notification In Process
  8. Allocating a Maintenance Notification to an Order
  9. Postponing a Maintenance Notification
  10. Deleting MAintenance Notifications
  11. Completing Maintenance Notification
  12. Completing Maintenance Notification
  13. Evaluating Maintenance Notifications
  14. Link Between Maintenance Notification and Maintenance Order
  15. Status Management

SAP PM Maintenance Processing

  1. Maintenance Task List
  2. Creating Maintenance Task List
  3. Changing Maintenance Task List
  4. Displaying Maintenance Task List
  5. Selecting Maintenance Task List
  6. Material Component in Maintenance Task List
  7. Production Resources / Tools in Maintenance Task List
  8. Maintenance Task List for Regular Maintenance
  9. Where Used List and Bulk Changes for Work Ceter and Procustion Resources/Tools
  10. Connecting Operatios in Maintenance Task List (Relationships)
  11. Cost Analysis in Maintenance Task List
  12. Printing Maintenance Task List

SAP PM Maintenance Planning

  1. Introduction to Maintenance Planning
  2. Managing a Maintenance Strategy
  3. Managing a Maintenance Item
  4. Managing a Maintenance Plan
  5. Scheduling a Maintenance Plan

Posted by: aroeltsm, Updated at: 11:27 pm

Friday, 12 September 2008

Pengumuman Penerimaan CPNS Badan POM TA 2008

Nomor : KP.

Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor KEP/259/M.PAN/8/2008 tanggal 29 Agustus 2008 tentang Formasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan RI Tahun Anggaran 2008, diumumkan sebagai berikut :

  1. Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan RI membuka pendaftaran Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil untuk mengisi lowongan formasi Badan POM RI Tahun 2008 untuk ditempatkan pada Badan POM RI Pusat dan Balai Besar/Balai POM di seluruh Indonesia (daftar formasi terlampir).
  2. Persyaratan pelamar meliputi :
    1. Negara Republik Indonesia
    2. Berusia paling rendah 20 tahun dan paling tinggi 35 tahun per tanggal 1 Oktober 2008 dengan ketentuan :
      • Pendidikan D3 paling tinggi 24 tahun.
      • Pendidikan S1 paling tinggi 26 tahun.
      • Pendidikan Profesi paling tinggi 28 tahun.
    3. Bagi pelamar yang memiliki pengalaman kerja terakhir sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun pada bidang yang berkaitan dengan kebutuhan Badan POM RI (pengawasan komprehensif meliputi standardisasi, penilaian, inspeksi, pengujian), batas usia paling tinggi 35 tahun.
    4. Pelamar diharuskan memiliki Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) :
      • Pendidikan D3 terakreditasi minimal B dengan IPK minimal 2,75.
      • Pendidikan S1 terakreditasi minimal B dengan IPK minimal 2,75
      • Pendidikan Profesi terakreditasi minimal B dengan IPK minimal 3,25 (Pendidikan Profesi dilihat IPK dan akreditasi S1 sesuai dengan butir 2).
    5. Tidak sedang dalam status belajar.
    6. Memenuhi persyaratan kualifikasi pendidikan yang dibutuhkan.
    7. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS/PNS maupun Calon/Anggota TNI dan POLRI.
    8. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai pengurus dan atau anggota partai politik.
    9. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai CPNS/PNS/TNI/POLRI atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta.
    10. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang sudah mempunyai kekuatan hukum.
    11. Berkelakuan baik dan sehat jasmani maupun rohani.
  3. Ketentuan pengajuan lamaran :
    1. Surat lamaran harus ditulis tangan dan ditanda tangani sendiri oleh pelamar dengan menggunakan tinta hitam serta mencantumkan jabatan dan 2 (dua) lokasi peminatan sesuai tabel formasi.

      Misal : Jabatan : Calon Pengawas Farmasi dan Makanan.

      Pendidikan : Apoteker.

      Lokasi Peminatan : Badan POM RI Pusat dan BBPOM di Palembang.

    2. Lamaran ditujukan kepada :

    3. Melampirkan fotocopy ijazah atau Surat Keterangan Lulus yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang.
    4. Melampirkan fotocopy transkrip nilai akademik yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang.
    5. Bagi pelamar yang usianya melebihi dari usia maksimal yang dipersyaratkan pada poin 2.b namun memiliki pengalaman kerja terakhir sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun pada bidang yang berkaitan dengan kebutuhan Badan POM RI (pengawasan komprehensif meliputi standardisasi, penilaian, inspeksi, pengujian), usia paling tinggi 35 tahun dibuktikan dengan Fotocopy Surat Keputusan Pengangkatan dan Pemberhentian/Surat Pernyataan dari pimpinan Instansi/Perusahaan bahwa pelamar masih bekerja pada saat pendaftaran.
    6. Melampirkan Daftar Riwayat Hidup Singkat yang berisi nama, tempat dan tanggal lahir, alamat, nomor telepon/HP, jenis kelamin, agama, tinggi badan, pendidikan formal/non formal, pengalaman kerja dan prestasi yang pernah dicapai, serta nama dan alamat tempat tinggal orang tua.
    7. Melampirkan pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran (3 x 4) cm dan ukuran (4 x 6) cm masing-masing sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar.
    8. Memperlihatkan asli KTP.
    9. Menyerahkan isian formulir Surat Pernyataan tidak sedang dalam status pelajar.
    10. Menyerahkan isian formulir tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan, tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak/hormat sebagai PNS/pegawai swasta, tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS, tidak menjadi pengurus dan/atau anggota partai politik, bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah negara RI atau negara lain yang ditentukan oleh pemerintah.
    11. Surat lamaran beserta lampirannya diurutkan, disusun rapi, dan dimasukkan ke dalam stofmap folio tebal (kertas buffalo) berwarna :

      • Merah : Pelamar Profesi
      • Kuning : Pelamar S1
      • Hijau : Pelamar D3

      Pada sudut kanan atas stofmap ditulis dengan jelas jabatan peminatan dan pendidikan pelamar.
    12. Ijazah Sementara atau Surat Keterangan Lulus berlaku, dengan catatan fotocopy ijazah asli yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang diserahkan selambat-lambatnya pada hari terakhir wawancara (tanggal 12 November 2008), jika tidak menyerahkan maka pelamar dinyatakan gugur, dibuktikan dengan surat pernyataan.
  4. Tahapan dan pelaksanaan seleksi :
    1. Seleksi Administrasi :
      1. Pendaftaran dilaksanakan di Badan POM RI, Balai Besar/Balai POM di seluruh Indonesia, kecuali pendaftaran untuk Balai Besar POM di Jakarta dan Balai POM di Serang disatukan dengan Badan POM RI, untuk Balai POM di Batam disatukan dengan Balai Besar POM di Pekanbaru, untuk Balai POM di Pangkal Pinang disatukan dengan Balai Besar POM di Palembang, dan untuk Balai POM di Gorontalo disatukan dengan Balai Besar POM di Manado.
      2. Pendaftaran dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa dan Rabu tanggal 23 dan 24 September 2008 pukul 09.00 s/d 14.00 waktu setempat (tidak ada perpanjangan waktu dan apabila dilanggar nomor peserta dianggap tidak sah).
      3. Setiap pelamar harus datang sendiri ke tempat pendaftaran (tidak diwakilkan).
    2. Ujian tulis :
      1. Ujian tulis dilaksanakan serentak di Badan POM RI, Balai Besar POM dan Balai POM di seluruh Indonesia pada hari Rabu tanggal 15 Oktober 2008 pukul 08.00 waktu setempat.
      2. Pelamar melaksanakan ujian sesuai dengan tempat yang ditunjuk oleh panitia penerimaan pendaftaran setempat.
      3. Materi ujian tulis adalah :
        1. Tes Kompetensi Dasar (TKD) terdiri dari :
          • Tes Pengetahuan Umum (TPU) meliputi unsur wawasan nasional, regional, dan internasional.
          • Tes Bakat Skolastik (TBS) meliputi unsur kemampuan verbal, kuantitatif, dan penalaran.
          • Tes Skala Kematangan (TSK) meliputi unsur kemampuan beradaptasi, pengendalian diri, semangat berprestasi, integritas, dan inisiatif.
        2. Tes Kompetensi Bidang (TKB) untuk mengukur kemampuan dan atau ketrampilan yang berkaitan dengan kompetensi jabatan atau pekerjaan yang dilamar.
      4. Setiap mengikuti ujian seleksi, pelamar wajib membawa Asli Tanda Peserta Seleksi, pensil 2B asli, karet penghapus, rautan, dan papan alas tulis.
    3. Wawancara :
      1. Wawancara akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11 s/d 12 November 2008 di Badan POM RI serta seluruh Balai Besar POM/Balai POM, kecuali untuk Balai Besar POM di Jakarta dan Balai POM di Serang dilaksanakan menyatu di Badan POM RI, untuk Balai POM di Batam dilaksanakan menyatu dengan Balai Besar POM di Pekanbaru, untuk Balai POM di Pangkal Pinang dilaksanakan menyatu dengan Balai Besar POM di Palembang, dan untuk Balai POM di Gorontalo dilaksanakan menyatu dengan Balai Besar POM di Manado.
      2. Peserta wawancara wajib menyerahkan hasil Psikotes (bagi pelamar yang telah dinyatakan lulus ujian tulis) dan harus diserahkan selambat-lambatnya tanggal 12 November 2008.
        Psikotes dapat dilakukan oleh psikolog yang telah mendapat Surat Rekomendasi Ijin Praktek (SRIP) dari Himpunan Psikolog Indonesia (HIMPSI).
        Hasil psikotes dalam bentuk psikogram dengan analisanya sesuai contoh psikogram terlampir dan harus mencantumkan Nomor SRIP.
  5. Pengumuman hasil seleksi :
    1. Pelamar yang lulus ujian tulis dan wajib mengikuti wawancara akan diumumkan pada tanggal 29 Oktober 2008.
    2. Pelamar yang diterima menjadi CPNS Badan POM RI akan diumumkan pada tanggal 19 November 2008.
  6. Lain-lain :
    1. Pelamar yang terlambat atau tidak menyerahkan berkas kelengkapan persyaratan sampai batas yang ditentukan atau tidak lulus dalam setiap tahap seleksi dianggap gugur.
    2. Lamaran yang diterima oleh Badan POM RI sebelum pengumuman ini, dianggap tidak berlaku dan supaya diajukan kembali di tempat pendaftaran.
    3. Berkas lamaran yang telah dimasukkan tidak dapat diminta kembali dan menjadi milik panitia pengadaan CPNS Badan POM RI tahun 2008.
    4. Dalam rangka Seleksi Pengadaan CPNS ini tidak ada bimbingan tes atau persiapan pendahuluan, tidak diadakan surat menyurat dan tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
    5. Lokasi pilihan hanya merupakan bahan pertimbangan untuk penempatan pelamar yang dinyatakan diterima sebagai CPNS Badan POM RI sesuai kebutuhan. Peserta yang dinyatakan diterima sebagai CPNS Badan POM RI harus bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh unit kerja di lingkungan Badan POM RI apabila lokasi pilihan telah terpenuhi.
    6. Pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus menjadi CPNS wajib menyerahkan :
      • Surat keterangan sehat jasmani, rohani, dan bebas narkoba dari dokter pemerintah.
      • Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK).
      • Membuat surat pernyataan bersedia ditempatkan dan ditugaskan di unit kerja yang telah ditentukan minimal 5 (lima) tahun berturut-turut yang ditandatangani di atas materai Rp.6000,- dan diketahui orang tua pelamar.
      • Membuat surat pernyataan tidak dalam keadaan belajar dan tidak akan menuntut pendidikan lanjutan.
  7. Sanksi
    Sanksi berupa denda Rp.10.000.000,- (Sepuluh juta rupiah) akan dikenakan bagi :
    1. Pelamar yang mengundurkan diri setelah diproses ke Badan Kepegawaian Negara.
    2. CPNS/PNS yang mengundurkan diri dengan alasan apapun setelah penempatan, denda ditambah biaya transport penugasan.

Surat Keputusan dan pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan CPNS Badan POM tahun 2008 :

Posted by: aroeltsm, Updated at: 11:26 pm

Thursday, 11 September 2008


Untuk sementara referensi SAP akan saya tampilkan dalam bahasa inggris, saya belum sempat menerjemahkannya kedalam bahasa Indonesia. Referensi mengenai SAP kebanyakan dalam bahasa Inggris, jadi saya memerlukan waktu untuk menerjemahkannya. Saat ini saya belum ada waktu yang cukup untuk menerjemahkannya, semoga informasi ini sapat membantu

Untuk sekalian harap dapat di maklum.

aroel tsm / aroel_tsm
Posted by: aroeltsm, Updated at: 4:19 am

ABAP Table for SD

  1. KONV Conditions for Transaction Data
  2. KONP Conditions for Items
  3. LIKP Delivery Header Data
  4. LIPS Delivery: Item data
  5. VBAK Sales Document: Header Data
  6. VBAP Sales Document: Item Data
  7. VBBE Sales Requirements: Individual Records
  8. VBEH Schedule line history
  9. VBEP Sales Document: Schedule Line Data
  10. VBFA Sales Document Flow
  11. VBLB Sales document: Release order data
  12. VBLK SD Document: Delivery Note Header
  13. VBPA Sales Document: Partner
  14. VBRK Billing: Header Data
  15. VBRP Billing: Item Data
  16. VBUK Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data
  17. VBUP Sales Document: Item Status
  18. VEKP Handling Unit - Header Table
  19. VEPO Packing: Handling Unit Item (Contents)
  20. VEPVG Delivery Due Index

Posted by: aroeltsm, Updated at: 4:18 am

SAP History

In 1972, five systems analysts began working nights and weekends to create standard software with realtime data processing. Twenty-five years later their vision is a reality: SAP is the world's market and technology leader in business application software.

On April 1, 1972 five former IBM employees founded SAP as Systemanalyse und Programmentwicklung (“Systems Analysis and Program Development”) in Mannheim, Germany. Their vision was to develop and market standard enterprise software which would integrate all business processes. The idea came to them through their work as systems consultants for IBM when they noticed that client after client was developing the same, or very similar, computer programs. The second part of their vision was that data should be processed interactively in realtime, and the computer screen should become the focal point of data processing.

From a start-up software vendor to global market leader
Over the course of twenty-five years, their vision has transformed SAP from a small regional enterprise into a world-class international company. Today, the SAP Group is the global market leader in enterprise resource planning software, and has subsidiaries, affiliates and branch offices in nearly every industrial nation in the world. Important milestones in the company's corporate history include its conversion to a GmbH (a closely-held corporation) in 1977, the opening of the company's headquarters in Walldorf, and its conversion into a publicly-held corporation whose shares are listed on several stock markets.

By changing its structure to a publicly-held corporation, SAP significantly strengthened its capital base and laid the foundations for its employees to enjoy more of a share in the company's success. In the end, it is SAP's employees – currently more than 9,000 of them - whose know-how, motivation and performance have nurtured the company's progress. And it is their commitment and innovative drive which will pace the company's future success and keep it ahead of the competition.

Over one million R/3 users
Products have played the central role in SAP's success story. In this area, two milestonesstand out: first, the development and 1979 market release of the R/2 software system for mainframes, and, second, the R/3 client/server software system introduced in 1992. Since its debut, the R/3 System use has grown explosively and now accounts for the lion's share of SAP product sales. At present, more than one million end users around the world work with the R/3 System.

The development of SAP products has continually benefited from major advances in the hardware sector. Back in 1972, the limited storage capacity of computers posed one of the biggest challenges. In those days, mainframes only had 500 kilobytes of storage capacity. Slow data input and output meant that only partial applications with a limited data volume were feasible. It was against this technological background that SAP signed its first customer, the German ICI subsidiary in Östringen.

With the successful implementation of its initial project, SAP had nine employees and, at the end of its first fiscal year, posted a profit on revenues of DM 620,000. In the second year of operation, two local businesses – the tobacco and cigarette manufacturer Roth-Händle and the pharmaceutical company Knoll - selected the newly developed SAP Financial Accounting (RF) System. This system quickly earned a reputation as an excellent standard package and installations expanded to 40 customers. But product development did not slow on this success, and a second standard product, the Materials Management (RM) System, with modules for purchasing, inventory management and invoice verification, soon followed. The benefits of SAP's integration philosophy showed through, with data from Materials Management flowing straight into Financial Accounting.

SAP moves to Walldorf
In its fifth year of operations, SAP became a GmbH (a closely-held corporation) and took on a new name: Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung ("Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing"). Revenues were now close to DM 4 million, and the number of employees had grown to 25. In 1977, SAP moved its offices and headquarters to Walldorf. In the same year, it signed its first two foreign customers, two companies from Austria. Just one year later, the customer base had grown to 100 and the number of employees stood at 50. SAP had also introduced another central module of the SAP System – Asset Accounting (RA). At the same time, through the development of a French version of the accounting module, SAP made additional steps toward the international markets.

By the end of the 1970s, new generations of powerful computers provided the framework for a comprehensive software system, and a major step in the development of SAP software - the R/2 System – was taken in 1978. In the same year, as sales headed toward the DM 10 million milestone, SAP began operation of its own computer center in Walldorf which, when completed in 1980, united development teams under one roof. That year SAP's software became even more attractive with the addition of order history to the product range. At the end of 1980, 50 of the 100 largest industrial companies in Germany were SAP customers.

R/2 System goes international
SAP's close relationships with customers led to continuous enhancements in the existing program modules, while important new additions were made, such as the Cost Accounting (RK) System. The R/2 System was now ready for the international market. New computers with drastically improved price/performance ratios helped expand the customer base, and SAP raised its profile still further by appearing at the Systems trade fair in Munich - the company's first-ever presence at an industry trade show.

In 1982, SAP celebrated its tenth anniversary, with sales soaring 48% to over DM 24 million. By the end of the year, 236 companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland were working with the SAP standard programs. Sales continued to climb in the following year, increasing by 45%.

In 1984 SAP took additional steps into the international arena with the founding of SAP (International) AG in Switzerland, whose focus was to increase sales of the R/2 System in international markets. Development teams began work on two new applications, Personnel Management and Plant Maintenance, while the Production Planning and Control System was installed at its first pilot customers.

1985 was characterized by further expansion. The Walldorf headquarters had grown to 10,000 square meters of space, while at the Swiss subsidiary a new headquarters was occupied. SAP systems were now in use in most European countries, and SAP began to penetrate markets outside Europe - with customers in South Africa, Kuwait, Trinidad, Canada and the US.

The DM 100 million sales mark exceeded
SAP continued to pursue international growth with the founding in 1986 of SAP's Austrian subsidiary SAP Österreich Ges.m.b.H. in Vienna. At the parent company, SAP GmbH, the capital stock was increased from DM 500,000 to DM 5 million. The largest single hardware investment to date was made in Walldorf with the installation of an IBM mainframe costing DM 7 million. The year's sales topped DM 100 million, and SAP exhibited at CeBIT, the world's largest IT trade fair, for the first time.

The 15th year of the company's history was again characterized by powerful growth. Branch offices were opened in Munich and Hamburg, and subsidiaries established in four European countries - the Netherlands, France, Spain and the UK. Staff grew to 750, and sales more than doubled to DM 245 million, with 850 companies now using SAP's software systems. In 1987, SAP announced its strategy for a new generation of software, and the R/3 System was born.

SAP goes public
SAP continued to grow in 1988 with the international sales network strengthened by the establishment of subsidiaries in Denmark, Sweden, Italy and the US. Other events included: the founding of SAP Consulting GmbH as a joint project between SAP and the consulting firm Arthur Andersen; the opening of an International Training Center in Walldorf; and the welcoming of Dow Chemical as SAP's 1,000th customer. However, the most significant events of the year were the increase of SAP's capital stock from DM 5 million to DM 60 million, the subsequent conversion of SAP GmbH into a stock corporation, SAP AG, and the flotation of SAP shares on the stock market. SAP shares were quoted on the securities exchanges in Frankfurt and Stuttgart.

During the next year, 1989, SAP shares began trading on the Zurich stock exchange. SAP expanded its alliance and strategic cooperation approaches by taking a majority investment in TOS GmbH in Freiberg. Through the "International User Conference" in Lausanne, Switzerland, and the first "SAPPHIRE" user conference in North America, SAP demonstrated its solid commitment to direct international customer contact. This crucial commitment was to become more and more important to SAP's success in the coming years.

Over 1,000 employees
SAP (International) soon grew to twelve subsidiaries, including Canada, Singapore and Australia. SAP's growing profile in 1989 was evidenced by a number of events: the large number of participants attending the first Annual Stockholders' Meeting, the strong employee growth to more than 1,000, and the expansion of the customer base. Recognizing this success manager magazin named SAP "Company of the Year" – a distinction SAP would receive twice more in the next few years.

In 1990, SAP's capital stock was expanded to DM 85 million with the issue of preference shares. SAP strengthened its commitment to small- and medium-sized businesses by an investment in the software company Steeb and the acquisition of software vendor CAS. In the same year, SAP and Siemens Nixdorf founded SRS GmbH in Dresden, gaining a firm foothold in the East German market. Sales grew strongly to over DM 500 million, and the number of staff grew to 1,700.

SAP develops Russian R/2 version
Strong growth continued unabated in 1991. The acquisition of Steeb GmbH was completed and its activities were merged with CAS to form STEEB-CAS GmbH, creating a high-caliber software company with an attractive product offering for the small- and medium-sized company market. With SAP's Eastern European business developing quickly, SAP collaborated with a local Russian software company to develop an R/2 version in Russian. The first Japanese installation of SAP software was successfully completed. At the end of the fiscal year, the SAP Group boasted 2,225 customers in 31 countries and sales of more than DM 700 million – an increase of over 40 percent. The company had more than 2,500 employees.

In its twentieth year, SAP opened a new Development and Sales Center in Walldorf. The two-year project cost roughly DM 140 million and represented the company's largest single investment to date. In preparation for additional development, SAP's share capital was expanded by DM 15 million to DM 100 million through the issue of 300,000 preference shares. SAP was now firmly established as a global company, with South Africa, Malaysia and Japan the newest additions to its 15 subsidiary companies. By 1992, almost half of the DM 831 million in product revenues were being generated outside Germany, and the availability of the software in 14 different languages was adding significantly to its attractiveness.

Shipment of the client/server system R/3
With the R/3 System release in mid-1992, SAP began to penetrate the mid-size market, and into branches and subsidiaries of large companies. The release of the R/3 client/server system was the most significant event in SAP's history and started a record of growth that even SAP's most optimistic planners had not predicted.

SAP took top position among German software vendors in 1993. On an international scale, the company moved to 7th place among software companies, establishing a clear lead in the global business applications software market. Sales surpassed the important DM 1 billion mark for the first time in 1993, and the global customer base stood at 3,500 companies. SAP made an investment in iXOS Software GmbH with the aim of developing and marketing graphical user interfaces and optical archiving of documents.

New development center in Foster City, California
Releases 2.0 and 2.1 provided R/3 users with even more functionality. With the R/3 System already running on six hardware platforms, SAP and Microsoft signed an agreement to port R/3 to Windows NT. Other events included: the founding of SAP's 18th subsidiary in the Czech Republic, the establishment by SAP America of a development center in Foster City in Silicon Valley, California, and the introduction by SAP Japan of a Kanji version of R/3.

1994 was yet another record-breaking year with sales jumping 66% to over DM 1.8 billion. By the end of the year, SAP employed more than 5,000 staff worldwide, and 200 of the more than 4,000 customers were using the R/3 System in production operation. A Swiss customer was the first customer to go live with R/3 on Microsoft's Windows NT – a mere four months after the platform became available. Since its rollout in 1992, R/3 had now been installed more than 1,000 times. SAP development received ISO 9000 certification, and R/3 Release 2.2 was completed on schedule and included a wide range of enhancements in Logistics. SAP continued to expand its sales organization and strategic alliances. In Germany, SAP acquired a 52% stake in DACOS Software GmbH with the aim of developing an integrated software solution for the retail industry. The 19th subsidiary opened in Mexico City.

The Annual Stockholders' Meeting agreed to a DM 400 million capital increase out of retained earnings, bringing total capital to DM 500 million. The resulting 1:4 stock split was positively received by the market and led to a significant increase in stock price levels.

Microsoft chooses R/3
More than 6,000 companies of all sizes were among SAP customers in 1995, some two-thirds of which solved their IT tasks using the R/3 System. During the year Microsoft joined IBM as an R/3 customer from the high-tech sector.

In 1995, R/3 became the largest source of overall revenues, with a DM 1.7 billion share of total sales of DM 2.7 billion. Growth prospects were strengthened still further with the new R/3 Release 3.0, a functional and technical milestone in R/3 development. With this version the important areas of production planning and control were now comprehensively covered. Another technical addition was the availability of R/3 on the widely used IBM AS/400 platform.

The indirect sales channel concept was introduced in Germany, with SAP forming partnerships with value-added resellers so as to better support small- and medium-sized businesses. A new Service and Support Center opened in Walldorf with room for some 750 employees. SAP now employed more than 7,000 staff.

Global profile: SAP represented in 40 countries
In 1995, SAP further increased its international activities with new subsidiaries formed in China, Argentina, Brazil, Korea, Poland, Russia and Thailand. SAP was now represented in over 40 countries by subsidiaries, branch offices or partner companies. An industry solution for the process industry (eg., chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage industry, and semiconductors) was announced in the US.

With 1,400 stockholders and guests, the number of attendees to the 1995 Annual Stockholders' Meeting was more than triple the 1994 figure, and the ASM approved changing the par value of SAP shares from DM 50 to DM 5. Shortly thereafter SAP entered the German stock index (DAX). Both events had a positive effect on share prices.

Sales reach DM 3.7 billion in SAP's anniversary year
SAP's success continued into its 25th year of operations, with sales exceeding DM 3.7 billion. Over the course of its 25-year history, SAP showed that business processes can be modeled in a standard way across and within industry sectors. When the IT industry developed a flexible and cost-effective client/server architecture, SAP provided its customers with the right product at the right time - the R/3 client/server system.

R/3 becomes Internet-enabled
The success of R/3 has propelled SAP to the top of the global software market. IT is undergoing yet another revolution with the advent of the Internet, and SAP is again there with a solution: the latest version of R/3 provides the first comprehensive, Internet-enabled business application package. Release 4.0, which is already in development, further increases the attractiveness of the R/3 System by making it more user-friendly. Small and mid-sized businesses should especially welcome this development. The R/3 System is here to stay, and users can look forward to its continuing enhancement.


Posted by: aroeltsm, Updated at: 4:15 am

ABAP Table for MM

  1. EINA Purchasing Info Record- General Data
  2. EINE Purchasing Info Record- Purchasing Organization Data
  3. MAKT Material Descriptions
  4. MARA General Material Data
  5. MARC Plant Data for Material
  6. MARD Storage Location Data for Material
  7. MAST Material to BOM Link
  8. MBEW Material Valuation
  9. MKPF Header- Material Document
  10. MSEG Document Segment- Material
  11. MVER Material Consumption
  12. MVKE Sales Data for materials
  13. RKPF Document Header- Reservation
  14. T023 Mat. groups
  15. T024 Purchasing Groups
  16. T156 Movement Type
  17. T157H Help Texts for Movement Types
  18. MOFF Lists what views have not been created
  19. A501 Plant/Material
  20. EBAN Purchase Requisition
  21. EBKN Purchase Requisition Account Assignment
  22. EKAB Release Documentation
  23. EKBE History per Purchasing Document
  24. EKET Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
  25. EKKN Account Assignment in Purchasing Document
  26. EKKO Purchasing Document Header
  27. EKPO Purchasing Document Item
  28. IKPF Header- Physical Inventory Document
  29. ISEG Physical Inventory Document Items
  30. LFA1 Vendor Master (General section)
  31. LFB1 Vendor Master (Company Code)
  32. NRIV Number range intervals
  33. RESB Reservation/dependent requirements
  34. T161T Texts for Purchasing Document Types

Posted by: aroeltsm, Updated at: 4:14 am

ABAP System Table

  1. ADCP Person/Address assignment (central address administration)
  2. ADIRACCESS Table to store keys for TADIR objects
  3. ADR2 Telephone numbers (central address admin.)
  4. ADRP Persons (central address administration)
  6. APQI Queue info definition
  7. D010SINF ABAP- Information about ABAP program source code
  8. E071 Change and Transport System- Object Entries of Requests/Tasks
  9. E07T Change and Transport System- Short Texts for Requests/Tasks
  10. ENLFDIR Additional Attributes for Function Modules
  11. INDX System table INDX
  12. NAST Message Status
  13. STXH STXD SAPscript text file header
  14. T005 Countries
  15. T005S Taxes- Region (Province) Key
  16. T005U Taxes- Region Key- Texts
  17. T006 Units of Measurement
  18. T015M Names of the months
  19. T247 Month name and short text
  20. T777A Building Addresses
  21. TADIR Directory of Repository Objects
  22. TBTCO Job status overview table
  23. TBTCP Batch job step overview
  24. TFDIR Function Module
  25. TFTIT Function Module Short Text
  26. TSP03L Spool- Long device names
  27. TSTC SAP Transaction Codes
  28. TSTCT Transaction Code Texts
  29. TUTYP User Types in Current Price List in SAP System
  30. TUZUS Special versions
  31. TVARV Table of variables in selection criteria
  32. TVDIR View Directory
  33. US930 Data Relevant to Measurement for User Master Record
  34. USR01 User master record (runtime data)
  35. USR02 Logon data
  36. USR04 User master authorizations
  37. USR06 Additional Data per User
  38. USR14 Surchargeable Language Versions per User
  39. USR21 Assign user name address key
  40. ARCH_OBJ Objects for archiving and reorganization
  41. BTCUED Description of user event IDs for background processing
  42. BTXSUPB BSI- Upgrade-Information
  43. CCCFLOW Client Copy Control Flow
  44. DBSTATC DB Optimizer Control (Statistics Creation)
  45. DEVACCESS Table for development users
  46. DEVL OBSOLETE- Do not use (See TCETRAL)
  47. E070 Change and Transport System- Header of Requests/Tasks
  48. E070L CTS- Index for Assigning Numbers to Requests/Tasks
  49. INSTVERS Documentation for installation Status and History
  50. PAT03 Patch Directory
  51. SDBAC DBA Action Table
  52. T100 Messages
  53. TAPLT Program Application Long Texts
  54. TASYS OBSOLETE- Do not use, see TCEDELI
  55. TDEVC Development Classes
  56. TEMSE Temp Sequential table.
  57. TLOCK Change and Transport System- Lock Table
  58. TNAPR Processing programs for output. Can be very handy to find the print program for a SAPScript.
  59. TNAST Printed output control table
  60. TPFET Table of profile parameters
  61. TPFHT Profile header, administration data for profiles in DB
  62. TPROT Table contains all DD tables to be logged
  63. TRBAT Communication Table for Transport Control
  64. TRDIRT Title texts for programs in TRDIR
  65. TRESN Table of Naming Conventions in ABAP Workbench
  66. TRJOB Job ID for Coordinating Batch-ABAP/UNIX for Transports
  67. TSP03C Spool- Device Description Extension
  68. TST03 TemSe data
  69. TSYST OBSOLETE- Do not use (see TCESYST)
  70. TWSYS OBSOLETE- Do not use (See TCETRAL)
  71. USOBT Relation transaction - authorization object
  72. USR03 User address data
  73. USR05 User Master Parameter ID
  74. USR12 User master authorization values
  75. USR40 Table for illegal passwords
  76. USR41 User master- Additional data
  77. UST04 User masters
  78. VARIT Variant texts
  79. VARID Variant directory
  80. D010TAB Table for Use Report---Tables
  81. DD02L SAP tables
  82. DD02T R/3 DD- SAP table texts
  83. DD03L Table Fields
  84. DD03T DD- Texts for fields (language dependent)
  85. EDIDC IDOC Control Records
  86. EDIDOT Short description of IDoc types
  87. EDID2 IDOC segments (version 3.1)
  88. EDID4 IDOC segments (version 4.6)
  89. EDSEA EDI- Table of all segments of current release
  90. VRSX2 Central Table for Version Management (Report Source)
  91. TSE05 Can add parameters to the INSERT COMMAND (IC). Then, when you insert command, your info appears in the editor. Useful for comment blocks, common section of code, etc.
  92. CDPOS Change document items
  93. CDHDR Change document header
  94. T529A governs the foreground sequence of infotypes the system will use to prompt the user during online and batch processing. You will have to code your BDC to follow that sequence of creating infotypes.
  95. T588Z governs the dynamic event processing that will only take place during online user inputs. For BDC's you will have to create separate BDC's to handle any infotypes that are inserted dynamically by this table.
  96. T588M Infotype Screen Control

Posted by: aroeltsm, Updated at: 4:11 am


LIPI mengundang insan-insan muda calon peneliti Indonesia

Melanjutkan Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil - CPNS di lingkungan Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia - LIPI sejak tahun 2005, pada tahun anggaran 2008 ini LIPI kembali membuka kesempatan kepada insan-insan muda Indonesia untuk berkiprah sebagai peneliti dan tenaga pendukungnya di berbagai satuan kerja LIPI.

LIPI adalah lembaga ilmu pengetahuan milik negara yang mendapatkan otoritas tertinggi untuk melakukan kajian dan penelitian ilmiah di Indonesia. Untuk itu LIPI menanungi 47 satuan kerja dengan kompetensi kajian ilmiah atau sebagai pendukung kegiatan ilmiah yang spesifik untuk masing-masing satuan kerja.

Dengan visi Terwujudnya kehidupan bangsa yang adil, cerdas, kreatif, integratif dan dinamis yang didukung oleh ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang humanistik, LIPI merupakan satu-satunya lembaga penelitian yang meliputi seluruh disiplin ilmu. Dengan karakteristiknya sebagai lembaga multi disiplin, LIPI mengemban misi :

  1. Menguasai ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi agar menjadi penggerak utama dan acuan dalam meningkatkan kemajuan dan persatuan bangsa, memperkuat daya saing masyarakat.
  2. Ikut serta dalam usaha mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa melalui pembangunan berkelanjutan yang berwajah kemanusiaan.
  3. Memperkuat landasan etika keilmuan.

Bagi insan-insan muda terbaik Indonesia yang tertarik untuk bersama-sama Membangun Indonesia dengan riset ilmiah di masa depan, sekali lagi kami undang untuk bergabung bersama LIPI.

Menurut rencana, pengumuman melalui media massa serta pembukaan registrasi lamaran melalui situs ini akan dilakukan mulai tanggal 15 September 2008. Untuk itu persiapkan diri dan kelengkapan dokumen yang dipersyaratkan seperti tertulis di halaman INFORMASI.

Panitia Pengadaan CPNS LIPI 2008

» versi cetak

Posted by: aroeltsm, Updated at: 3:58 am

Monday, 8 September 2008

Transparant Tble for SAP PM

Like to know all transparent Table relate with PM module.

Try SE80 than fill the program related to PM transaction.
View Dictionary structures you'll get all table that related with PM
Trasaction code that used in PM eq. IW31, IW21, IW41

Try tcode DB15
Fill the object that related to PM Module
PM_EQUI Equipment
PM_IFLOT Functional locations
PM_IMRG Measurement documents
PM_MPLAN Maintenance plans
PM_NET Object links, master data
PM_OBJLIST Serial Number History
PM_ORDER Service and maintenance orders
PM_PLAN Routings

PM_QMEL Maintenance Notifications

You can get all table that related to PM Object.

What is the table for FUNTIONAL LOCATION BOM?

Check for the following tables:

TPST Functional Location - BOM Link
STAS BOMs - Item Selection
STPU BOM Subitem
STZU Permanent BOM data

Looking for a report which have Reservation No , material, posted quantity along with User ID of person who created the reservation in PM Order?

This is one report I am asked for at every business I work at and there isn't a standard SAP report for what you want. MB25 will give you what you want but the Username on the report is the person who picks the reservation not the person who created it. At one business I was at it reported as "Batch" because the picking run was done in the background.

The report I create is a query using SQVI Quick viewer and then I transport it to SQ01 SAP Query so everyone can see it. The tables you need to use are;

RESB - Reservation, Material number, Requirement date, Required Quantity, Quantity withdrawn, Work order number
RSADD - Date created, User ID of person who created the reservation
MAKT - Material Description
AUFK - Work Order description
AFIH - Revision (as a selection field)
MBEW - Total valuated stock (SOH)
USER_ADDR - The User ID first name & second name
RKPF - Reservation Header information if required.

Posted by: aroeltsm, Updated at: 4:11 am

Tcode Untuk Plant Maintenance

  1. IA07 Display General Task List
  2. IA03 Display Equipment Task List
  3. IA13 Display Functional Location Task List
  4. IR03 Display Work Centre
  5. KO88 Settle Order (Single)
  6. IW32 Change Work Order
  7. IW31 Create Work Order
  8. IW33 Display Work Order
  9. IW38 Work Order List Editing - Change
  10. IW39 Work Order List Editing - Display
  11. IW40 Work Order List Editing - Display Multi Level
  12. ME21 Create Purchase Order (pre R4.6)
  13. ME21N Create Purchase Order (R4.6 onwards)
  14. IP41 Create Single Cycle Plan (R4 onwards)
  15. IE02 Change Equipment
  16. IE01 Create Equipment
  17. IE03 Display Equipment
  18. IE05 Equipment List Editing - Change
  19. IE08 Equipment List Editing - Display
  20. IW42 Overall Completion Confirmation
  21. IW26 Create Notification
  22. QS42 Display Catalog
  23. ML81 Create Service Entry Sheet
  24. MM03 Display Material
  25. CS03 Display Material BOM
  26. IW13 Material Where Used List
  27. IW66 Change Notification List of Tasks
  28. IW67 Display Notification List of Tasks
  29. IW22 Change Notification
  30. IW23 Display Notification
  31. IH01 Display Functional Location Structure
  32. MB11 Goods Movement
  33. MB31 Goods Receipt
  34. IW8W Goods Receipt for Refurbishment (R4 onwards)
  35. IP02 Change Maintenance Plan
  36. IP03 Display Maintenance Plan
  37. IP10 Schedule Maintenance Plan
  38. IP30 Deadline Monitoring
  39. IP11 Change Maintenance Strategy
  40. IP12 Display Maintenance Strategy
  41. IP19 Maintenance Scheduling Overview Graphic
  42. IP24 Maintenance Scheduling Overview List
  43. IW28 Notification List Editing - Change
  44. IW29 Notification List Editing - Display
  45. IW30 Notification List Editing - Display Multi Level
  46. IW64 Change Notification List of Activities
  47. IW65 Display Notification List of Activities
  48. IW68 Change Notification List of Items
  49. IW69 Display Notification List of Items
  50. IQ03 Display Serial Numbers
  51. IW24 Create Notification
  52. IP42 Create Strategy Maintenance Plan (from R4 onwards)
  53. IW25 Create Notification
  54. IL02 Change Functional Location
  55. IL01 Create Functional Location
  56. IL03 Display Functional Location
  57. IL05 Functional Location List Editing - Change
  58. IL06 Functional Location List Editing - Display
  59. IW41 Time Confirmation - Indvidual Entry
  60. IW48 Time Confirmation - Collective Entry with Selection
  61. IW44 Time Confirmation - Collective Entry no Selection
  62. IA11 Create Functional LocationTask Lists
  63. IA12 Change Functional Location Task List
  64. IL02 Change Functional Location
  65. IA05 Create General Task List
  66. IA06 Change General Task List
  67. IA01 Create Equpment Task List
  68. IA02 Change Equipment Task List
  69. IE03 Display Equipment
  70. IR01 Create Work Centre
  71. IR02 Change Work Centre
  72. CA85 Replace Work Centre
  73. IP13 Strategy Package Sequence
  74. IP14 Strategy Package Sequence
  75. IP04 Create Maintenance Item
  76. IP05 Change Maintenance Item
  77. IP06 Display Maintenance Item
  78. IP17 Maintenance Item List Editing - Change
  79. IP18 Maintenance Item List Editing - Display
  80. IP02 Change Maintenance Plan
  81. IP03 Display Maintenance Plan
  82. IP15 Maintenance Plan List Editing - Change
  83. IP16 Maintenance Plan List Editing - Display
  84. IK11 Create Measurement Documents
  85. IK12 Change Measurement Documents
  86. IK13 Display Measurement Documents
  87. IK22 Measurement Documents List Editing - Create
  88. IK21 Measurement Documents List Editing - Create
  89. IK22 Measurement Documents List Editing - Create
  90. IK18 Measurement Documents List Editing - Change
  91. IK17 Measurement Documents List Editing - Display
  92. IK41 Measurement Documents List Editing - Display Archive
  93. IQ01 Create Serial Numbers
  94. IQ02 Change Serial numbers
  95. IQ04 Serial Numbers List Editing - Create
  96. IQ08 Serial Numbers List Editing - Change
  97. IQ09 Serial Numbers List Editing - Display
  98. IK01 Create Measurment Point
  99. IK02 Change Measurement Point
  100. Ik03 Display Measurement Point
  101. IK08 Measurement Point List Editing - Change
  102. Ik07 Measurement Point List Editing - Display

source :
Posted by: aroeltsm, Updated at: 4:08 am

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Info CPNS 2008

Bagi anda yang ingin mengikuti tes CPNS 2008, bisa memperoleh informasi dari we di bawah ini :
Semoga informasi ini dapat bermanfaat.
Posted by: aroeltsm, Updated at: 1:41 am

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